Today: July 27, 2024
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How to hibernate motorcycle correctly

If with the arrival of cold and rain you are the one who decides to park the motorcycle and not touch it in a while, you should know a series of tips so that this winter break does not affect the maintenance and mechanics of your motorcycle.

We have always thought that the cold is not enough reason to leave the motorcycle in winter, the truth is that a large percentage of users of scooter or motorcycle choose to park their motorcycle with the arrival of low temperatures and not get back on it until the time returns to improve.

how to hibernate motorcycle

If you are one of those who hibernates the bike in winter, you must attend to these tips so that, once the cold break, do not get angry and find yourself with a defective motorcycle.

Tips for hibernate motorcycle

1. The first step to follow for a good hibernation of your motorcycle or scooter is to find a good place to rest. To do this, you must look for a place protected from the cold and humidity, a place not too sweet for “friends of others” who may try to steal your motorcycle or scooter and also a space where it does not get in the way, since the bike does not go to move in a while.

Of course, before moving on to your motorcycle hibernate, you should have solved the small breakdowns that it may have.

2. When we have the perfect place, we must park our motorbike with a perfect cleaning. It is very important that before you ‘leave’ your bike for a few months, wash it thoroughly so that no stain or dirt ends up eating the paint from the body of your bike or scooter.

Remember to dry it well, removing all the moisture with a dry cloth before covering it to avoid condensation and thus not give rise to the appearance of rust and crusts.

3. Purge the carburetors so that they do not have gasoline that, when evaporating, leave residues that block the jets.

4. Clean the air filter with a compressed air gun but always from the inside out and never perpendicular to its surface. This will prevent dust from entering the filter paper.

5. To protect the engine from impurities accumulated in the used oil, empty the crankcase and fill it with clean engine oil.

5. Whenever the motorcycle is going to stand for several consecutive days, it is essential to disconnect the cables from the battery to avoid sulfation of the battery. If you want your bike to start correctly and without problems after the winter break, it is highly recommended that remove the battery and thus get rid of any problem due to poor maintenance of the energy accumulator of your motorcycle.

6. Grease all motorcycle locks and their accessories, if applicable. The chain should also be greased with spray oil to prevent it from getting stuck and rusting.

cover your bike

7. It is highly recommended that cover your bike or scooter with a cover during this hibernation phase. It is useless to have thoroughly washed your motorcycle, if you do not cover it perfectly and prevent the two-wheeled vehicle from collecting dust and dirt during its resting phase.

Any type of cover, whether professional or a waterproof tarpaulin to sell in supermarkets, we could be worth for this action, one of the most important if we want our bike to hibernate correctly.

8. Park your bike with straight wheels or place it on a stand. It is not good to leave the bike standing for a long time on the side leg. The oil tends to drop and the head end facing up will be drier than the side of the leg, suffering from lack of lubrication in the first moments of operation.

If you do not have a central stand, you can figure out how to leave the bike straight on a reliable support system.

Read Also: What Do You Have To Check On Your Bike Before Riding?

9. Do not leave documentation in the glove boxes of the motorcycle. In this period of hibernation, the motorcycle must not contain any type of documentation or paperwork that may be stolen during this time of rest for your motorcycle or scooter.

Keep the documentation in a safe place and do not forget to return it to the glove compartment once you go back to using the motorcycle.


All these tips are the basics for your bike to hibernate correctly. We believe that this care must be followed, but we also think that the cold or certain days of rain should not be an impediment for you to continue enjoying your motorcycle or scooter during the winter season.

Moreover, many of the advantages of moving on a motorcycle, multiply with the arrival of the cold, since people use the car more and is usually the time of year with more traffic on the roads and streets of your city. Think about it, it would not leave you because of a simple drop in temperatures.