Today: July 27, 2024
admin Posted on 10:59 am

How to find great Motorcycle Fairings for your Motorcycle

A topic that seems to keep cropping up time after time is where can we get high quality fairings for our motorcycles. There are endless sources of these kits all over the internet most not from very reliable sources at all. The things that people seem to encounter the most is cheap Chinese fairing made from low grade ABS that are prone to cracking and not impact absorb at all.

motorcycle fairing

Because people take such pride in their motorcycle and would sometime choose their motorcycles over their children we understand and know how important it is to find a good set of fairings that are going to be long lasting, look great and not hinder my bike in any way shape or form. Of course the worst feeling of all is to buy something on the internet that has come from a couple of thousand miles away to find out is just rubbish and basically unusable.

Many people find them selves in the distressing situation when they order their fairing kits from an unknown supplier somewhere half across the world who docent even have a website and has no contact information. We have been looking all over the net for a good couple of weeks now and have tested a few sites and we found a reliable source of Motorcycle Fairings that we think your going to love.

We found a company called Monster Fairings, they are a UK and USA based company that distribute high quality ABS-Plastic motorcycle fairings. We found that they Injection mould each and every fairing kit that they produce and add at least 3 layers of paint to each kit. We found that their customer service was helpful and the kits arrived within two week.