Today: July 27, 2024
admin Posted on 7:22 am

Thonet’s bicycle

In late 2010 the British designer Andy Martin received a request from Thonet to create a road bike using the steam bending process developed in 1930. Andy Martin Studio developed three proposals of the last which was chosen for its beauty and its modest connection to the heritage of the company.

Thonets bicycle

Andy Martin: “The challenge was to apply the ancient technique to a bike of the 21st century with its complex engineering.” With the many restrictions that are curving structure has crafted the definitive union and its environs would be cut and adjusted on a CNC machine.

The designer also created a series of arched poles and connectors to strengthen joints and more stress areas of the structure.

The bike has no brakes and various changes. Its seat is in turn solid beech wood and wheels are designed by Andy Martin carbon fiber.

Available in limited release round a price of 54000 euros.

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